Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection (IV)
General Editor: Jens Braarvig, Hermes
Oslo 2016
pp. xxii + 456 + 45 facsimile pages.
ISBN 978 82 8034 203 4
Price NOK 1389
Table of Contents
I) Sūtra:
a) Āgama:
1. Fragments of an Ekottarikāgama Manuscript in Gāndhārī Chanida Jantrasrisalai, Timothy Lenz, Lin Qian, Richard Salomon 1
2. Fragments of the Itivṛttaka Mitsuyo Demoto 123
3. A Folio of a Parallel to the Śalyasūtra or Sunakkhattasutta Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Klaus Wille 151
4. A Possible Sanskrit Parallel to the Pali Uruvelasutta Peter Skilling, Saerji, Prapod Assavavirulhakarn 159
b) Mahāyāna:
5. Fragments of a Gāndhārī Version of the Bhadrakalpikasūtra Stefan Baums, Andrew Glass, Kazunobu Matsuda 183
6. The Bodhisattvapiṭakasūtra in Gāndhārī Stefan Baums, Jens Braarvig, Timothy J. Lenz, Fredrik Liland, Kazunobu Matsuda, Richard Salomon 267
7. The Final Folio of a Version of the Larger Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra and Fragments of a Text Possibly Related to the Tathāgatabimbaparivarta Paul Harrison, Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Kazunobu Matsuda 283
8. Fragments of the Ratnaketuparivarta Chanwit Tudkeao 295
9. A Gāndhārī Fragment of the Sarvapuṇyasamuccayasamādhisūtra Paul Harrison, Timothy Lenz, Lin Qian, Richard Salomon 311
II) Vinaya:
10. More Folios of the Prātimokṣa-Vibhaṅga of the Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādins in Early Western Gupta Script Masanori Shōno 321
III) Miscellaneous:
11. A Kuṣāṇa Brāhmī Fragment of a Commentary on aśubhabhāvanā and the Formation of the Foetus Jens W. Borgland, Jens Braarvig 329
12. Āryaśūra’s Jātakamālā and Another Story Collection Jens-Uwe Hartmann, Kazunobu Matsuda 333
13. A New Fragment of the Jyotiṣkāvadāna Stefan Baums 345
14. Two Mahādeva Fragments Jonathan A. Silk 351
15. Another Fragment of Mātṛceṭa’s Prasādapratibhodbhava Jens-Uwe Hartmann 359
16. Stories about Saṅgha and His Pupil Paul Harrison, Jens-Uwe Hartmann 361
17. Thirty-two Fragments Written by Bamiyan Kharoṣṭhī Scribe 7 Richard Salomon 367
18. Protective Verses for Travellers: a Fragment of the Diśāsauvastikagāthās Related to the Scriptures of the Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādins Vincent Tournier 407
FACSIMILES Prepared by Gudrun Melzer 457